Top Row: Lissa Johnson, Nina Rosenberg, Tom Dominguez, Alexa Bradford

Bottom Row: Janine Cabossel, Kaitlin Haase. Learn about our hosts

The Garden Journal Radio Show

 Saturdays 10:00-10:30 am

KSFR 101.1 FM | Streaming live on

Meet local, regional, and national gardening experts, farmers, seed savers, environmentalists, and food security activists in conversation with our rotating crop of hosts, presented in partnership with the Santa Fe Extension Master Gardeners.

On the first Saturday of each month join Slow Food Santa Fe’s Lissa Johnson and Nina Rosenberg and their guests. Slow Food Santa Fe, a local grassroots organization that is part of a national and international organization promoting food that is “good, clean, and fair,” will present a show with a focus on perspectives from the local food community.

On the second Saturday of the month, Alexa Bradford joins in conversation with local gardening experts, environmentalists, seed stewards, and policy-makers. Tune in for high desert gardening tips, news, events, and gardening inspiration. Four times a year, Tom Dominguez, Santa Fe County Extension Agent, takes over for an update on the Master Gardeners and other County Extension programs.

The third Saturday, Kaitlin Haase, Xerxes Society Pollinator Conservation Specialist, hosts  “People, Plants and Pollinators”. This program gives listeners a glimpse into the importance of pollinators and invertebrates, the native plants they rely on and the people working to create healthy ecosystems in neighborhoods, cities, farms and natural lands. It will inform listeners about educational wildlife gardening and conservation topics with an emphasis on insect pollinators and will feature guests from wildlife biologists to native plant ecologists and more.

And last, but definitely not least, on the last Saturday of every month Jannine Cabossel, the Tomato Lady, shares her vegetable gardening expertise and advice for each coming month in our veggie gardens. Presented in partnership with Santa Fe Extension Master Gardeners.

Intro to Vegetable Gardening: Podcast Series

Check out Veggie Gardening 101, a 9-part podcast series, with Master Gardener, Jannine Cabossel, The Tomato Lady, and get started growing your own delicious vegetables in your own backyard.

"Why Save Seeds? We are facing a global seed crisis. Our biodiversity has been reduced by as much as 94% as a result of monoculture practices and giant agri-chemical companies that have marketing Roundup-ready GMO seeds on a global basis. This practice has changed the age-old practice of saving seeds that are locally adapted. Find out more by listening to our Seed Series Broadcasts.

Below: Archived Podcasts

January 2022 Current Podcasts (posted at KSFR)

2018 Broadcasts: CLICK HERE for program audio (*.mp3 files) and related links and articles.

2017 Broadcasts: CLICK HERE

2016 Broadcasts: CLICK HERE